July 27, 2024
East Bay Times Letters to the Editor for Aug. 17, 2023

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Is Trump strategy
‘Too corrupt to convict’?

Remember when Lehman Bros. collapsed in 2008? Who could forget? That sparked federal bailouts to banks and insurance companies that were deemed “Too Big To Fail.”

It looks like Donald Trump is making a similar page in history, by earning 91 criminal charges in four indictments. Legal pundits are wondering how so many trials can even be scheduled. And, how would an ex-president serve prison time if convicted?

Trump’s strategy is becoming “Too Corrupt To Be Convicted.”

Bruce Joffe

Bill would remove
safeguard for abused

Assemblymembers Tina McKinnor and Buffy Wicks and state Sen. Scott Wiener have written AB 1028, a bill that is halfway through California’s legislative process and removes mandatory reporting among health care professionals if they find signs of abuse on a patient.

This bill, like other articles and movements, bases its call to end mandatory reporting on one set of research conducted by a team that did not independently confirm whether the participants in their survey were victims or perpetrators who reported being “worse off” for mandatory reporting, and their sample size was inconsistently reported throughout. UN Women report that under 40% of women will attempt to seek help outside an abusive situation.

Though there may be flaws regarding mandatory reporting, if you intend to remove a safeguard for abused women entirely, there better be more than one incredibly flawed set of research to back it up.

Ruth Nakagawa

Deal harshly with
crimes targeting seniors

Re: “95-year-old-man assaulted, carjacked” (Page B2, Aug. 9).

Not all crime is related to poverty. Much of it is about power over others. This is the same power trip of most rapists.

The cowards that commit these senseless crimes should be treated with the same disgust and penalties as a rapist.

Dennis Mockel

Democrats only party
that values democracy

The recent indictments of Donald Trump and the response by Republicans, particularly in the U.S. House, have proven why we need a government that actually cares about our democracy.

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Unfortunately, the Republican Party has proven that it does not care about democracy, and supports defending Donald Trump at all costs. Even the “moderates” in the GOP, who do not support baselessly impeaching Joe Biden, still support the baseless censorship of House Democrats such as Adam Schiff.

Even Lisa Murkowski, who is known as one of the most moderate members of today’s GOP, won’t support President Biden for reelection. Murkowski supports an independent ticket that will simply act as a spoiler for Trump.

Therefore, America needs a government that cares about democracy. Right now, the only viable party that will provide such a government is the Democratic Party.

Sophia Nyberg

