July 27, 2024
East Bay Times Letters to the Editor for Sept. 8, 2023

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SB 9 good starting
point for housing

Re: “Popular housing narrative upended by planning expert” (Page A12, Aug. 27).

In her oped Lafayette City Councilwoman Susan Candell, challenges the state law, SB 9, on the issue of fair housing.

I have been a resident of Lafayette since 1969 and have always regretted that our community has lacked both diversity and equity in housing. SB 9 certainly has its failures, but it is a beginning. I would encourage multifamily units throughout our community, and, yes, right in my neighborhood, as one answer to this local and national crisis. I am grateful to the state for trying to address the housing issue.

I believe we would all still be drinking out of separate water fountains had it not been for the government stepping in to change the laws. We have a wonderful opportunity to make our society more fair. Let’s improve on SB 9.

Lynn MacMichael

SB 94 is wrong
track on crime

The people sentenced to life without parole are not the victims people are making them out to be. Some of the relevant crimes used to be capital crimes: first-degree murder and felony murder. Others are particularly cruel: sexual penetration with torture, lewd or lascivious acts during the commission of a burglary, and spousal rape with the infliction of great bodily injury.

Nobody who has taken the life of another deserves an opportunity to walk free, an opportunity they have taken away from their victims.

People do not kill, or commit acts of great cruelty, because they have been denied opportunities. They do it for power over other people. It’s not just an “oopsie.”

People whining about life without parole promised us it was a humane alternative to capital punishment. Now they want to dumb down the removal of predators from our midst once again with SB 94. Just say no.

Beth Elliott

Math scores bear
out in real world

Re: “State kids score among worst for math, language” (Page A7, Sept. 6).

I was at Safeway’s self-check register yesterday. I pointed out the register did not apply the discounted price of $3.49 for a $3.99 loaf of bread. The associate subtracted 3.49 from 3.99 on her cell phone which read 0.5. She gave me a nickel. I protested, but she insisted the difference was five cents.

I fear for this 20-something and our future world. How can she aspire to a better-paying career, or even as a mother handling household expenses?

Ann Chamberlin
San Leandro

Progressives have
accountability problem

Re: “Hold Kia, Hyundai liable for enabling crime wave” (Page A7, Sept. 6).

One of the most basic errors of progressives is that they have a great fear of holding people accountable for their choices and actions. This alone will always prevent them from actually helping to solve countless problems in society, from petty thefts, addictions, mental health problems and suicide to murders and other violent crimes.

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A recent Farhad Manjoo column exemplifies this perfectly. Manjoo spends an entire column discussing the widespread thefts of Kia and Hyundai vehicles without once making reference to the undeniable and highly relevant fact that it’s wrong to steal other people’s vehicles. Manjoo, being a progressive, no doubt believes that when people steal cars this really isn’t their fault.

But blaming car makers (or social media videos) for car thefts is just as silly as blaming gun manufacturers for gun crimes. Oh, wait. Progressives do this, too.

Christopher Andrus
